KJ had blond hair as a young child.

It has gradually turned darker over the years.

So one day, he decided that he wanted to dye it a different color. We had to bleach it first to make the hair porus.

He started with green, but I don't seem to have a picture of that. At one point it was a reddish-orange.

Later, it was blue.

Another time, it was red.

Then he gave purple a try.

He even went more conservative with black.

He has finally decided that hot pink is his favorite.

He could not have "un-natural or extreme" hair color for SeaWorld Career Camp so he let it return to its natural shade of brown.

He is currently considering going half black and half hot pink...
okay, my favourite is the last one (very handsome), but the bleached blonde looks cool too. The Captain says the purple is cool. She does not like the black. I had to laugh at the red, it really matched his shirt hey? Thats what I call a kid with character!
I love that you let him do this. So many parents would never allow their kids to express themselves by changing their hair color. Blake, he's 9, wanted a mohawk last year for football and we took him right now and got it. It just so happened that school pictures were the next week but oh well. So what his 3 grade pictures are of him with his mohawk. You catch alot of flack from other parents about things like this, the looks we recieved were unbelievable.
By the way, purple is my favorite color so I loved the purple.
Oops, that was supposed to be "we took him right down", Sorry.
wonder what Sea World's problem was with pink hair? He sure has gotten handsome and looks almost grown up! Of course I do like the last natural color best, but I'm a boring old mom.
I'm glad you let him express himself. That is great. Not a lot of mom's do that. A lot of people get made at me for letting my oldest grow his hair long and wild, but that is "him" at this moment.
Kitten from TDJ
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